The Turkish Board of Protection of Personal Data published a Draft Turkish Guide on January 11, 2022, in the form of advice and guidance for data controllers that process personal data via cookies.

You can access the Turkish Guide at the link below:

This Guide aims to enable data controllers who process personal data via cookies on websites, smartphones, tablets and similar environments to provide information in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) and to guide them to obtain lawful explicit consent within the framework of these practices.

We remind you that the Guide is currently a draft and may change before the final version is published based on the opinions gathered. Although the Guide is currently instructive, we recommend that the final version of the Guide be assessed and suggestions should be taken into account in terms of the compliance process with the Law of the data controllers who process personal data via cookies.

Batuhan Şahmay
Partner | [email protected]
Naz Ergörün
Associate | [email protected]
Behiç Ateş Gülenç
Associate | [email protected]