The Law amending the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law and the Decree No. 375 (“Law“) was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force on 03.03.2023.

The details regarding the Law are as follows.

a) Pursuant to Article 1 of the Law;

  • Those who were registered to Social Security Institution on or before 08.09.1999, and who have completed their insurance period and premium payment days, can retire if they apply to the Social Security Institution, regardless of the age requirement.
  • Please note that people who will exercise their right to retire in accordance with the above provision have the right to terminate their employment contract immediately (and if they have at least 1 year of seniority, they will be entitled to statutory severance pay).
  • If employees, who retire by taking advantage of the above-mentioned provision, are re-employed in the same workplace within 30 days, then the employer will receive a 5-point discount on the Social Security Support Premium.

b) Pursuant to Article 2 of the Law;

This provision applies only to the institutions we have underlined below.

Regulations requiring the termination of the employment contracts of those who are transferred to the status of employees in special provincial administrations, municipalities and their affiliated organizations and in local administration unions of which they are members, and in companies that, together or separately, more than half of their shares belong to special provincial administrations, municipalities and their affiliated organizations, by the public institutions and organizations or companies where they are employed, in the event that they are entitled to receive retirement, old age or disability pension, have been repealed.

Batuhan Şahmay
Partner | [email protected]
Öykü Eyüboğlu
Associate | [email protected]
Behiç Ateş Gülenç
Associate | [email protected]