With the “Regulation Amending the Regulation on Associations” (“Amendment Regulation“) published in the Official Gazette dated 21.10.2021 and numbered 31635, new regulations were introduced to the Regulation on Associations (“Regulation“). The relevant Regulation regulates the procedures and principles to be subjected to associations, non-profit organizations and foundations covered by the Regulation. With the Amendment Regulation, it is included in the Regulation that associations can hold general assembly and board of directors meetings electronically besides physical environment.

Associations can hold electronic general assembly and board of directors meetings before electronic systems which are approved by the General Directorate of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Interior.

All procedures, principles and sanctions for the physical conduct of the general assembly and board of directors meetings that are held in accordance with the relevant legislations will also apply to meetings held electronically. The issue that the general assembly will be held electronically should be indicated in the call decision and announcement.

As in meetings held in a physical environment, the decisions of the board of directors carried out electronically are stored by the association with the date and number and all other information, documents and records related to the meetings electronically.

It is possible to attend electronic meetings with a secure electronic signature or through a two-factor authentication system.

Oya Özarslan
Partner | [email protected]
Sevim Özkan
Associate | [email protected]
Nazay Cakcak
Associate | [email protected]