Debt Collection
Our team provides prompt, proactive, efficient, simple and cost-effective solutions for debt collection against individuals and entities. We perform these tasks for our clients with the importance of brand management and reputation, as well as other important non-legal considerations in mind to ensure the right results for our clients business.
Our services cover each stage of the formal debt recovery process, which is usually preceded by informal negotiations if necessary and appropriate. The formal stages usually follow a staged framework:
- Pre-trial proceedings: including sending official notifications/demand letters to the debtor and fulfilling all the necessary formalities and pre-trial procedure.
- Representation during trial process. In situations where the debtor does not willingly return the debt, perhaps after Execution Office process, we provide trial representation before Turkish Courts.
- Post-trial proceedings. This includes any steps necessary to the enforcement the decision of the Courts to recover the debt.
Our debt collection services also include:
- Making claims in any Turkish court jurisdiction
- Striking out meritless defenses
- Large scale/high volume commercial recoveries
- Outstanding debt matters, from initial letters of demand through to bankruptcy petitions and actions against individuals or entities
- Enforcement proceedings
- Creditors’ statutory demands for payment of debt
- Bankruptcy Notices and subsequent sequestration proceedings and Warrants of Execution
- Negotiating commercial resolutions to debt disputes.